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Audit logs

When executing most of the transactions with the EPR, there is a requirement to send an audit log to the community describing who did what and when, on the client's side. The community also creates such an audit log, and both can be compared if the need arises.

Since the audit logs may contain information about the transaction outcome, you have to wait for the community response before creating the audit log.


You have to do your best efforts to send the audit logs, even if the transaction has failed (network issue or error 500 for example).


The base specification of the <AuditMessage> format is given in DICOM PS3.15. Additional requirements are described in:

Basic structure

An audit log is simply wrapped in a <AuditMessage> element. No namespace is needed.

The first child is a EventIdentification element that describes the transaction:

<EventIdentification EventActionCode="★action_code" EventDateTime="★date_time" EventOutcomeIndicator="★outcome">
  <EventID csd-code="★transaction_code" codeSystemName="DCM" originalText="★transaction_display"/>
  <EventTypeCode csd-code="★type_code" codeSystemName="IHE Transactions" originalText="★type_display"/>
  <PurposeOfUse csd-code="★puo_code" codeSystemName="2.16.756." originalText="★puo_display" />

  • action_code, transaction_code, transaction_display,type_code and type_display depend on the transaction type and are defined in the IHE transaction profile, in the 'Security Considerations' section;
  • date_time is the date and time at which the transaction was made. It shall contain a timezone, and shall follow the xsd:dateTime format;
  • outcome describes whether the transaction was successful or not: 0 is a success, 4 is a minor failure, 8 is a serious failure and 12 is a major failure. The choice of the failure type is left to the implementers;
  • puo_code and puo_display are the Purpose of Use code and display name, respectively. It is mandatory when the transaction is secured by XUA; otherwise, the whole <PurposeOfUse> element shall be omitted.

Then, two ActiveParticipants describe the source and destination participants.

The first ActiveParticipant describes the source participant, which often is the one that has sent the transaction (but not always). It has the following content:

<ActiveParticipant UserID="★user_id" AlternativeUserID="★alt_user_id" NetworkAccessPointID="★nap_id" NetworkAccessPointTypeCode="★nap_type" UserIsRequest="true">
  <RoleIDCode csd-code="110153" codeSystemName="DCM" originalText="Source Role ID"/>

  • user_id is required and can be filled as you want. It can be a process ID, a login name, or other identifiers;
  • alt_user_id is the process ID as used within the local operating system in the local system logs;
  • nap_id is the DNS name or IP address of the source;
  • nap_type is 1 for machine (DNS) name, 2 for IP address.

Other attributes are optional.

The second ActiveParticipant describes the destination participant, which often is the one that has received the transaction (but not always). It has the following content:

<ActiveParticipant UserID="★user_id" NetworkAccessPointID="★nap_id" NetworkAccessPointTypeCode="★nap_type" UserIsRequest="false">
  <RoleIDCode csd-code="110152" codeSystemName="DCM" originalText="Destination Role ID"/>

  • user_id is the SOAP endpoint URI;
  • nap_id is the DNS name or IP address of the destination;
  • nap_type is 1 for machine (DNS) name, 2 for IP address.

Other attributes are optional.


In some transactions such as ITI-43, the source and destination participants are reversed. Always check the IHE specifications for the correct order. The participant "server" is the one having the "SOAP endpoint URI", the participant "client" is the one having the "process ID".

Following that is the <AuditSourceIdentification> element. It contains the following:

<AuditSourceIdentification AuditSourceID="★source" AuditEnterpriseSiteID="★oid" />
where oid is required by the Amendment 1 to Annex 5 (§1.5.2) and must be an OID of your OID hierarchy. Please ask your community if it has requirements about the use of this OID. The source value is required by the standard, but its value choice is left to the implementers; it should contain an "Identifier of the source". You can copy the oid value if you want.

Requirements for transactions secured by XUA

If the transaction is secured by XUA (like ITI-18, ITI-41, ITI-43), then additional ActiveParticipants shall be specified to describe the authenticated participant of the transaction.

The first additional ActiveParticipant is described in IHE ITI-40, § It is required for all roles. It shall contain:

<ActiveParticipant UserID="★user_id" UserName="★alias&lt;★user@★issuer&gt;" UserIsRequest="false" />

  • user_id is required and can be filled as you want. It can be a process ID, a login name, or other identifiers;
  • alias (optional) is the SAML Assertion's Subject/NameID/@SPProvidedID attribute;
  • user (required) is the SAML Assertion's Subject/NameID content;
  • issuer (required) is the SAML Assertion's Issuer content.

The other attributes and subject role specification are optional.

The second additional ActiveParticipant is described in the Amendment 1 to Annex 5, § It is required for all roles. It shall contain:

<ActiveParticipant UserID="★user_id" UserName="★user_name" UserIsRequestor="false">
    <RoleIDCode csd-code="★code" codeSystemName="2.16.756." originalText="★display"/>

  • user_id (required) is the SAML Assertion's Subject/NameID content;
  • user_name (required) is the SAML Assertion's AttributeStatement/Attribute[@Name="urn:oasis:names:tc:xspa:1.0:subject:subject-id"]/AttributeValue content;
  • code (required) is the SAML Assertion's AttributeStatement/Attribute[@Name="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:2.0:subject:role"]/AttributeValue/Role/@code attribute.

Other attributes are optional.

The third additional ActiveParticipant is described in the Amendment 1 to Annex 5, § It is only required for assistants and technical users. It shall contain:

<ActiveParticipant UserID="★user_id" UserName="★user_name" UserIsRequest="false">
    <RoleIDCode csd-code="★code" codeSystemName="2.16.756." originalText="★display" />

  • user_id (required) is the SAML Assertion's Subject/SubjectConfirmation/NameID content;
  • user_name (required) is the SAML Assertion's Subject/SubjectConfirmation/SubjectConfirmationData/AttributeStatement/Attribute[@Name="urn:oasis:names:tc:xspa:1.0:subject:subject-id"]/AttributeValue content;
  • code (required) is either TCU or ASS.

Special parts

Some ParticipantObjectIdentification elements may be used to include additional details about the query content.


For ITI-18 transaction, the query content has to be included in the <ParticipantObjectIdentification> element:

<ParticipantObjectIdentification ParticipantObjectID="★participant_object_id" ParticipantObjectTypeCode="2" ParticipantObjectTypeCodeRole="24">
  <ParticipantObjectIDTypeCode csd-code="★transaction_code" codeSystemName="IHE Transactions" originalText="★transaction_display" />
  <ParticipantObjectDetail type="QueryEncoding" value="★query_encoding_b64" />

  • participant_object_id is the Stored Query ID for ITI-18, or optional for ITI-45 and ITI-47;
  • transaction_code and transaction_display are the same as in EventIdentification/EventID;
  • query_b64 is the XML representation of a part of the query, base64-encoded:
    • For ITI-18, the AdhocQueryRequest;
    • For ITI-45 and ITI-47, the QueryByParameter segment of the query;
  • query_encoding_b64 is the query encoding, encoded in base64. Usually VVRGLTg= (UTF-8).

For ITI-18 transactions, an additional <ParticipantObjectIdentification> is required inside, if the homeCommunityID is specified in the query:

<ParticipantObjectDetail type="urn:ihe:iti:xca:2010:homeCommunityId" value="★home_community_id_b64" />
where home_community_id_b64 is the value of the homeCommunityId, base64-encoded.


<ParticipantObjectIdentification ParticipantObjectID="★patient_id" ParticipantObjectTypeCode="1" ParticipantObjectTypeCodeRole="1">
  <ParticipantObjectIDTypeCode csd-code="2" codeSystemName="RFC-3881" originalText="Patient Number" />
where patient_id is the patient identifier encoded in HL7 CX format (e.g. value^^^&1.2.3&ISO).

Submission set

For ITI-41 requests, a <ParticipantObjectIdentification> is required to describe the Submission Set:

<ParticipantObjectIdentification ParticipantObjectID="★submission_set_unique_id" ParticipantObjectTypeCode="2" ParticipantObjectTypeCodeRole="20">
  <ParticipantObjectIDTypeCode csd-code="urn:uuid:a54d6aa5-d40d-43f9-88c5-b4633d873bdd" originalText="submission set classificationNode" codeSystemName="IHE XDS Metadata"/>
where submission_set_unique_id is the URN-encoded Submission Set unique ID.


For ITI-43 transactions, a <ParticipantObjectIdentification> is required to describe the document to be retrieved:

<ParticipantObjectIdentification ParticipantObjectID="★document_unique_id" ParticipantObjectTypeCode="2" ParticipantObjectTypeCodeRole="3" ParticipantObjectSensitivity="★confidentiality_code">
  <ParticipantObjectIDTypeCode csd-code="9" codeSystemName="RFC-3881" originalText="Report Number"/>
  <ParticipantObjectDetail type="Repository Unique Id" value="★repo_unique_id_b64"/>

  • document_unique_id is the document unique ID;
  • repo_unique_id_b64 is the repository unique ID;
  • confidentiality_code is the document confidentiality code, if known. The format is HL7v2 CE with the code system OID as the code (e.g.: 1051000195109^normal^2.16.840.1.113883.6.96).

If the home community ID is known, another ParticipantObjectDetail is required inside: <ParticipantObjectDetail type="ihe:homeCommunityID" value="★home_community_id_b64"/>. The value must be base64-encoded.

Requirements summary

ActiveParticipant ParticipantObjectIdentification
Transaction EventIdentification Source Destination XUA Query Patient Submission Set Document

Sending an audit log

The audit log shall be sent to the community as a syslog message either over TCP (with TLS). The relevant specifications are:

  • RFC 5424: The Syslog Protocol for information about the syslog message format;
  • RFC 5425: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport Mapping for Syslog which formalizes sending Syslog messages over TCP;

The choice of values in the Syslog headers is left to the implementers.

An example of a Syslog message sent over TCP is:

2027 <85>1 2024-06-25T13:47:57.600Z mag-cara-695f6f7f49-zsxxw IPF 1 IHE+RFC-3881 - <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><AuditMessage><EventIdentification EventActionCode="E" EventDateTime="2024-06-25T13:47:57.598829760Z" EventOutcomeIndicator="12"><EventID csd-code="110112" codeSystemName="DCM" originalText="Query" /><EventTypeCode csd-code="ITI-67" codeSystemName="IHE Transactions" originalText="Mobile Document Reference Query" /></EventIdentification><ActiveParticipant UserID="/mag-cara/fhir/DocumentReference" UserIsRequestor="true" NetworkAccessPointID="" NetworkAccessPointTypeCode="2"><RoleIDCode csd-code="110153" codeSystemName="DCM" originalText="Source Role ID" /></ActiveParticipant><ActiveParticipant UserID="" AlternativeUserID="1" UserIsRequestor="false" NetworkAccessPointID="" NetworkAccessPointTypeCode="2"><RoleIDCode csd-code="110152" codeSystemName="DCM" originalText="Destination Role ID" /></ActiveParticipant><AuditSourceIdentification AuditEnterpriseSiteID="" AuditSourceID="IPF"><AuditSourceTypeCode csd-code="9" codeSystemName="DCM" originalText="Other" /></AuditSourceIdentification><ParticipantObjectIdentification ParticipantObjectID="urn:oid:|215503a0-11d2-4197-822a-053791ab5a8e" ParticipantObjectTypeCode="1" ParticipantObjectTypeCodeRole="1"><ParticipantObjectIDTypeCode csd-code="2" codeSystemName="RFC-3881" originalText="Patient Number" /></ParticipantObjectIdentification><ParticipantObjectIdentification ParticipantObjectID="MobileDocumentReferenceQuery" ParticipantObjectTypeCode="2" ParticipantObjectTypeCodeRole="24"><ParticipantObjectIDTypeCode csd-code="ITI-67" codeSystemName="IHE Transactions" originalText="Mobile Document Reference Query" /><ParticipantObjectQuery>c3RhdHVzPWN1cnJlbnQmcGF0aWVudC5pZGVudGlmaWVyPXVybjpvaWQ6MS4xLjEuOTkuMXwyMTU1MDNhMC0xMWQyLTQxOTctODIyYS0wNTM3OTFhYjVhOGU=</ParticipantObjectQuery></ParticipantObjectIdentification></AuditMessage>


Notice the UTF-8 BOM at the beginning of the payload (just before <?xml). It is required by the syslog protocol for UTF-8 messages. 2027 is the number of bytes in the following message (2025 characters + 2 extra bytes for the BOM).

Last update: 2025-01-27